Anxiety Issues

Keeping A Worry Log — This worksheet is designed to help clients identify three things they worry about each day. They are asked to identify what triggered each worry and to rate each worry on a 1 to 10 scale regarding how much anxiety it causes them. (GAD, 0217)

Understanding Your Panic Attacks — This questionnaire is designed to help therapists understand the nature and severity of a client’s panic attacks. It includes questions on symptoms, coping mechanism, other mental health concerns, medical conditions, and current medications. (0117, anxiety, panic disorder, assessment)

Creating Your Future — This worksheet is designed to help individuals think about their future and see that they have the power to create the kind of lives they want. PDF (quick, 1015, values clarification)

Your Most Memorable Dream — There are some dreams you find hard to forget. What makes these dreams so memorable? This worksheet can help you find out. PDF (quick, 1015)

Thinking About Your Emotional Strengths — This worksheet is designed to help people think about their emotional strengths and how they can bring these strengths to their current problems. It contains a list of strengths for clients to rate, as well as questions about how significant others perceive the person’s emotional strengths. Form Type: PDF (0415) ACT, DBT

bullet Assessments

Panic Attack Diary — This form can be used by people to learn about the nature of their panic attacks. It should be filled in during the actual panic attacks. (panic attacks, anxiety, panic disorder, 1016)

Keeping Track of Your Panic Attacks — This form is designed to help people keep track of what happened after each panic attack, including triggers, severity of symptoms, behavior, and things that helped control the attack. (panic attack, anxiety, panic disorder, agoraphobia).

Understanding Your Social Anxiety — This form is designed to help people record the things that trigger their social anxiety as well as their reactions. Type:PDF (0915)

Rating Symptoms of Panic Attack — This assessment tool asks clients to rate the severity of their common symptoms. PDF

bullet Audio File

The Habit of Relaxation — This download directs the user to set aside 10 minutes each day to practice the “relaxation response.” The pdf connects to a 12-minute audio of original music designed to calm the body and mind. The music can be downloaded as an MP3 file by right-clicking on the music player. The music can then be transferred to a smart phone or other audio device. (PDF, audio, relaxation training).

Coping With Your Panic Attacks-audio — This 12 minute audio is designed to help people when they feel that a panic attack is coming on. It uses a combination of relaxation and mindfulness techniques. Type: mp3

Guided Imagery Walk Through the Forest-Audio — This guided imagery audio can be used to teach relaxation skills as a way to cope with anxiety, depression, physical problems, emotional volatility, and stress related disorders. Running time: 8.5 minutes. Form Type: PDF & MP3

Progressive Muscle Relaxation — Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This tool includes a link to a 12-minute audio which can be used to guide clients through progressive muscle relaxation. It also includes a chart to help a person develop the habit of spending time each day practicing relaxation. File Type: PDF plus Audio. (0215)

mindfulness just this breath — This 7-minute mindfulness audio file is designed to help people experiencing emotional distress by providing them an opportunity focus on the present. The audio is courtesy of Dartmouth College Health services with a script made at Georgia Southern University Counseling Center. Editing by Martin Grant. Right click to download this MP3 file to your computer where it can be transferred to a mobile device. Type of File: Audio-MP3

Five-Finger Relaxation Audio — This six minute audio file guides listeners towards a state of relaxation and well-being by having them imagine four scenes from their past using visual, audio, and kinesthetic images. This technique was developed by Dr. David Cheek and recorded by Dartmouth College Health Services. It was edited by Martin Grant. Right click to open and play the file, then left click on the black screen if you wish to download the file. Type: MP3 (914) (BT)

Mindful Meditation Audio — This audio was produced by Dartmouth College Health Center, and can be used with clients as an introduction to the technique of Mindful Meditation. The background music is from “ERH” on the FreeSound Project. Editing by Martin Grant. Left click to listen to the recording and right click to download the MP3 file. Time: 31 minutes.

bullet Brochures

Panic Disorder Patient Brochure — Created by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, this brochure differentiates normal anxiety from panic disorder, and gives basic information on treatment and finding help.

What You Need to Know About OCD — This brochure, produced by the International OCD Foundation, is a comprehensive overview of OCD covering common symptoms, facts about OCD, treatment options, how to choose a therapist and more. (0717)

Tips for College Students: After a Disaster or Other Trauma — Helpful tips on coping with a disaster or trauma. (PDF)

bullet Chart

Types of Medication for Depression & Anxiety — This chart summarizes common medications used for depression and anxiety. PDF

10 Facts You Should Know About Medication for Anxiety — The chart shows 10 important facts about medication for anxiety. (PDF Download)

bullet Ebooks

The Panic Attack Workbook — The Panic Attack Workbook is a collection of 30 assignments to be used by clients in conjunction with therapy. The sections of the book teach skills in four areas, including: understanding panic attacks, learning to self-calm, tolerating anxiety and discomfort, replacing fears with rational thinking and working towards a permanent change. (anxiety, panic, homework, 0317)

Body Image Toolkit — This workbook consists of 17 interactive activities to help teens develop a better body image. This resource was developed to help all teens develop a healthy body image but would be particularly appropriate for teens who have eating disorders or other mental health problems related to a poor self-image. Form Type: PDF (0315)

bullet Fact Sheets

How diet affects anxiety — This fact sheet describes how common additives in food can affect anxiety. PDF

bullet Forms

Financial Info Form — Financial Info Form Test for 3 categories.

bullet Games

Family Communication Dice Game — This dice game can be printed on heavy stock paper and then assembled. It is a fun game designed to enhance family communication. The blank die makes it easy to customize the game for many purposes. Type: PDF (1014)

Show Your Feelings Role Play Games — Get people talking about their feelings with three “cut and tape” dice games. These games are fun to play and a great way to encourage kids, teens, or even adults to talk about their feelings. PDF

bullet Handouts

Motivational Bookmarks — These bookmarks can be used to remind clients about the importance of self-encouragement. PDF

bullet Poster

Tolerate Stress-Mini-Poster — This mini-post is a humorous reminder that life can be hard at times but we can learn to tolerate our difficulties. PDF (DBT, emotional intelligence, 0616)

Daily Gratitude — This mini-poster can be used to help remind people of the importance of gratitude in their lives. PDF

bullet Worksheets

Understanding How Triggers Affect Your Anxiety — This worksheet is designed to help understand how anticipated events, physical sensations, thoughts and memories, can interconnect and trigger anxiety reactions. (GAD, 0318).

Developing Self-Compassion — This worksheet is designed to help people learn how to be more compassionate towards themselves. Readers are asked to imagine an infinitely compassionate imaginary friend and answer questions as if that friend were talking to them. (depression, anxiety, 0218)

Your Worries Are Just Thoughts — This worksheet is intended to help people understand and accept that the worries that trigger their anxieties are just thoughts. (0118, Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

The Movie In Your Head Is Not Real-GAD — This worksheet is designed to help people understand that their worries are not real and that they do not have to respond to them as if they were a real danger. The worksheet helps people learn to observe their worries as if they were watching a movie. (GAD, 1117, CBT)

Give Up Seeking Reassurance — This worksheet is designed to help people understand that seeking constant reassurance for the things that they worry about only serves to make them worry more. It asks people to identify the people they turn to for reassurance and ask them not to participate in this cycle of worrying and anxiety. (GAD, 1017)

Reducing Situational Stress — This worksheet is designed to help people identify their situational stress and determine how specific stresses can be reduced. (0817)

Activities That Help Counteract Your Stress — This worksheet is designed to help people identify daily activities which can help reduce the effects of chronic stress (anxiety, wellness, prevention, 0817)

Developing the Habit of Gratitude — This worksheet is intended to help people see the many benefits of developing an attitude of gratitude. It gives specific instructions on helpful activities to maximize the benefits of this practice. (depression, anxiety, prevention, 0717)

Confronting Your Anxiety Provoking Thoughts — This worksheet is intended to help people confront rather than avoid the thoughts that cause them to be anxious. It presents a variety of activities to practice thinking these thoughts and a worksheet to keep track of their progress. (anxiety, GAD, 0717)

How Do Your Worries Interfere With Your Life? — This worksheet helps people understand how worrying can interfere with their daily lives. (Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD, 0517)

Talking Back to the Thoughts That Make You Anxious — This worksheet is designed to help people talk back to the thoughts that cause them to be anxious and fearful. (anxiety, panic attacks, CBT, 0317)

Practicing Self-Calming and Self-Caring Techniques — This worksheet is designed to encourage people to practice both self-care and self-calming techniques on a daily basis. The worksheet lists types of techniques are effective in each category and includes a form to record the use of these techniques for 21 days (the time it takes to form a habit). (PTSD, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, 0217)

Practicing Getting Anxious — This worksheet is designed to help individuals practice exposure therapy including identifying irrational thinking, letting go of safety crutches, and tolerating uncomfortable physical sensations. (0117, anxiety disorders, panic disorders, fears and phobias)

What Are They Saying — This worksheet asks people to imagine what a person is thinking or saying by simply looking at his body language. (social skills, Asperger Syndrome, social anxiety, 1216)

Nothing Small About Small Talk — This worksheet is designed to help people with social anxiety practice simple conversational skills. The worksheet gives tips on how to handle social conversations and assignments to practice spontaneous conversations. (shyness, social anxiety, Asperger Syndrome, 2016)

Overcoming Setbacks — This worksheet is designed to help people anticipate how they will handle setbacks in overcoming their mental health problems. It asks people to think about the kinds of triggers that might cause a setback as well as the skills they have used before to handle problems. (anxiety, depression, symptoms, termination, 1216)

Anticipating Difficult Holiday Interactions — This worksheet is designed to help people deal with difficult interactions during a holiday event. The worksheet asks the user to think about what kind of difficult interactions are likely to occur and consider positive ways to respond. (holiday stress, communication, difficult people, 1116)

Getting More Sleep Can Help Reduce Anxiety — This worksheet is designed to help people see how sleep problems can contribute to anxiety disorders and other mental health problems. It includes a list of techniques to help people get more sleep as well as a sleep diary. (wellness, health, lifestyle, 1016)

Daily Mood Record for Overcoming Panic Attacks — This form is intended to be used by people trying to overcome recurring panic attacks. The form asks people to rate their average anxiety, depression, and worry about having panic attacks, each day. (CBT, panic disorder, 1016)

Confronting Body Discomfort Associated with Anxiety — This set of worksheets is designed to help people with anxiety learn to deal with their associated physical discomfort. Many times people have panic attacks because the physical reactions they experience trigger more and more fear. By having people practice actually causing this discomfort, they become desensitized to the fear that it caused. (panic attacks, exposure, interoceptive, 0916)

Being Aware (Mindful) of Your Distressing Thoughts — This worksheet is designed to help people tolerate distressing thoughts. It asks people to visualize several “disgusting” images and be aware of them without judgment. Then it asks people to visualize a situation that typically causes them anxiety and rate how well they are at being non-judgmental (mindful) over a period of seven days. (mindfulness, panic attacks, anxiety, 0916)

What are the odds? — This worksheet is designed to help individuals examine their irrational catastrophic thinking and their subsequent avoidant behavior. (Panic attacks, anxiety, CBT, 0916)

Stop Avoiding Situations That Make You Anxious — This worksheet is designed to help people identify and prioritize the situations or places that they currently avoid because they cause anxiety. (panic attacks, agoraphobia,CBT)

Learning to Accept Reality — Learning to accept reality is an important part of living in the present. Distorting reality can lead to depression, anxiety, disappointment in your relationships and more. This worksheet has three parts to help people understand how they distort memories from their past, events in the present, and thoughts about their future. PDF (DBT, CBT, Thought-Changing)

Building Body Acceptance — This tool was prepared by the Australian Center for Clinical Interventions and is intended to help people learn to challenge their faulty assumptions about their bodies. It will be helpful for many people who dwell on the imperfections of their body, but particularly those with Body Dysmorphia Disorder. (OCD, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, self-injury, 0716).

OCD Triggers and Rituals — This worksheet is designed to help people determine the things that trigger their obsessive thinking as well as the rituals they use to try and control their upsetting thoughts. (OCD, anxiety, exposure therapy, ERP, 0716)

Accepting Your Upsetting Thoughts — These two worksheets are designed to help people deal with obsessive thinking. The first worksheet asks people to write down and rate their upsetting thoughts. The second worksheet asks people to imagine their upsetting thoughts are on clouds, and to let them float away without reacting to them. (OCD, CBT, exposure therapy, anxiety, 0717).

Loving Kindness Meditation — This worksheet is designed to teach people the technique of Loving Kindness Meditation. Research suggests that this simple meditation can have a long term effect on people’s happiness. PDF (ACT, meditation, happiness, depression, 0616)

Compromising With Yourself — This worksheet is intended to help people make compromises rather than be stuck between two extreme positions. PDF (DBT, CBT, problem-solving)

Practicing Mindfulness — Research has shown that mindful meditation can have significant physical and mental health benefits, but only when it is practiced on a regular basis. This worksheet is designed to help people keep track of their sessions, what they experienced during the sessions, and the after-effects. PDF (mindfulness, ACT, DBT, 0416).

Take A Break From Stress — Take a vacation from stress and dedicate just one day to living “stress free.” Sometimes this is harder than you think! At the end of the day, think about how you were able to create stress-free time, and how you can apply this to your normal life. Stress is a normal part of life and learning to control and cope with stress is an important part of good mental health. PDF

Relying On Your Character Strengths — This worksheet is designed to help people identify their character strengths and apply at least one strength to a current problem. PDF (0216. ACT, strengths, positive psychology, solution focused)

Thinking in Full Color — This worksheet is designed to teach to avoid looking at their problems with absolute (black and white) thinking. Absolute thinking distorts reality and limits choices. People are asked to identify a problem, think of four “black and white statements” that pertain to that problem, and then change those thoughts to “full color.”

What Did You Learn in Grade School? — This worksheet asks people to think back to their years in grade school and the “life lessons” they learned. Answering the questions on this worksheet will likely bring up other thoughts and memories about what happened in these childhood years. (PDF 0115)

How Do Others See You? — The first part of this worksheet asks people to answer questions about themselves and then a second part can be used to ask the same questions to others. The worksheet is intended to help people see if their perception of themselves is very different than how others see them (PDF, 1215)

Mindful Meditation-Letting Your Worries Go — This worksheet encourages people to be mindful of their worries and fears while relaxing with a coloring activity. The process of coloring seems to have a soothing effect on many people and may stimulate biochemical in the brain which help control emotions. PDF (mindfulness, anxiety, 1115)

Handling Your Stress Buttons — This worksheet is designed to help people identify the things that cause them stress and develop strategies to reduce each stressor. PDF (1115)

Just Scribble — This worksheet can be used for two purposes: to help people relax when anxious or stressed and to help people think about their feelings. PDF (1116, relaxation, insight)

Just 3 Words — This worksheet is designed to help people gain insight into their values and how they incorporate them into their daily lives. PDF (1112, ACT)

Write a Letter to Your Panic Attack — This worksheet can help people see that Panic Attacks are not inevitable. The exercise asks people to write a letter to their Panic Attack, helping them see that “they are not the problem, the Panic Attacks are the problem.” PDF (Narrative Therapy, 1015)

Be Aware of Your Strengths — This worksheet is designed to help people see how their character strengths can be important in seeing solutions to daily problems. PDF (ACT, 1015)

Take A Step Toward Something That Scares You — This form can help people see that they don’t have to avoid the things that scare them. The best way to conquer a fear is to approach it in small steps. Form Type: PDF (Anxiety, Quick, 0915)

The Miracle Question — This worksheet asks people to think about how their lives would change if a miracle happened and their most pressing problems no longer existed. This exercise can be the start of a conversation to help people see ways to live without being overwhelmed by problems. PDF. (Solution Focused Therapy, quick, 0915)

Create A Mandala — This simple art therapy exercise can help people get in touch with the feelings and can be used with clients to start a conversation about their self-image. Many therapists use this activity as part of a healing process. (Art Therapy, quick, 0815)

Be A Superhero — This worksheet encourages people to think about the super powers they would like to have and how they would use them. (Art Therapy, Quick, 0815)

Write A Letter To Your Problem — This Narrative Therapy technique is designed to help people externalize a specific problem and motivate them to develop new behaviors to help overcome it. (Narrative Therapy, Quick, 0815)

Write Down Your Most Powerful Dream — This worksheet asks people to write down a powerful dream from the past. It also asks them to think about how the dream affected them. Form Type: PDF (Quick, NLP, Emotional Intelligence, 0815)

Imagining Your Best Possible Self — This writing assignment can encourage optimism and positive thinking. Form Type: PDF (0815, Narrative Therapy, Quick)

Take A Break — This worksheet encourages people to take a day off from their stress and dedicate that one day to relaxing. Form Type: PDF (Quick, Solution Focused)

Do Something Different — This simple behavior assignment can help people who feel they are stuck in unhealthy patterns. Form Type: PDF (0815, quick assignment)

Scribble Your Feelings — This simple assignment can help people get in touch with their feelings. PDF (0815, art therapy)

Understanding Your Emotions When You Are Upset — This worksheet is designed to help people understand their emotions when they are upset and learn positive coping techniques to handle difficult emotions. Form Type: PDF (0715)

Creating A Personal Mission Statement — This worksheet is designed to help people clarify their purpose in life. The worksheet includes a serious of questions to help people develop a meaningful personal mission statement in just a few sentences. Form Type: PDF (0715)

Coping Cards — These Coping Cards can be used by people who want to replace negative behaviors with positive ones. A useful technique to help in breaking negative habits. Form Type: PDF (CBT, 0615)

Three Things That Are Important To You — This worksheet is designed to help kids think and talk about their values. Form Type: PDF (0618)

Asking for What You Want & Need — This worksheet is designed to help people think about how assertive they are when they ask for something. Form Type: PDF (DBT, 0615)

Becoming More Assertive — This worksheet is designed to help people think about the skills they need to acquire to become more assertive. Form Type: PDF (DBT, 0615)

Tracking Your Fears & Worries — This worksheet asks people to rate the intensity of their fears and worries as well the intensity of their urge to avoid what is causing their anxiety. Form Type: PDF (0415, CBT)

The Cost of Avoiding Difficult Feelings — Some people spend a lifetime trying to avoid the things that cause upsetting thoughts, feelings, sensations, or memories. This can help them manage their symptoms, but it can simultaneously lead to a very restricted and unhappy life. This worksheet is designed to help people identify the things that upset them, think about the things they do to avoid being upset, and think about what life would be like if they could overcome their symptoms. This worksheet can be used as a prelude to Mindfulness and other techniques that help people accept and overcome their symptomatic behaviors. (CBT, DBT, 0415).

Tolerating Upsetting Thoughts & Feelings — This worksheet helps people deal with difficult thoughts and feelings by having them focus on their core values rather than rely on self-destructive symptoms. There are two forms to complete, one to help people identify their core values and another to help them determine how much time they spend in activities that reflect these values. Form Type: PDF (0415-ACT)

Creating An Emotional Emergency Kit — Some people are prone to becoming overwhelmed by their emotions. Usually caused by specific triggers, their intolerable level of emotions may then lead to symptoms, such as panic, alcohol or substance abuse, self-injury, or depression. This worksheet is designed to help people develop a set of positive coping techniques that can help them tolerate difficult emotions and refrain from self-defeating behaviors. (0315)

Practicing Exposure Therapy — This worksheet is designed to be used by individuals practicing exposure therapy to alleviate symptoms of fear and anxiety. It should be used in conjunction with the Exposure Hierarchy Worksheet. Form Type: PDF (0315)

Talking About Your Emotions Helps You Manage Your Anxiety — This worksheet is designed to help people identify their moods during the day and talk about their feelings to someone else. Copies should be made, and the worksheet should be used for a minimum of seven days. Type: PDF (0315)

Looking At the BIg Picture — This worksheet is designed to help people put their problems into perspective. The worksheet takes an art therapy approach, asking people to draw their small problems in little frames and the important things in their lives in the big frame. This worksheet can be a good opening to introduce a discussion about values. Type: PDF (0215)

Controlling Anxiety With A Worry Script — This worksheet is designed to desensitize people to their upsetting thoughts by having them write these thoughts down in vivid detail for a two week period. File Type: PDF (0115)

The Grounding Technique — Grounding techniques are often recommended for clients who feel overwhelmed by their thoughts and feelings. This pdf includes a worksheet to help clients practice this technique and a link to a video demonstration of the technique. File Type: PDF (1214)

Cognitive Distortions & Your Body Image — This worksheet is designed to help clients corrected distorted thinking about their bodies. The worksheet provides several examples of common distorted thoughts people have about their bodies and gives them examples of corrected responses. Form Type: PDF (1214)

Preventing and Managing Lapses in Overcoming Your Anxiety — This worksheet will assist clients develop an awareness of when they are at risk for a lapse in their progress by identifying early warning signs (triggers and symptoms) and how to appropriately respond. Type of File: PDF

Deep Breathing for Stress Relief — This worksheet describes the four basic steps of relaxing through deep breathing. The worksheet links to a 13-minute exercise for clients to practice deep breathing, led by Dr. Lillian Cheung, of the Harvard School of Public Health. Type: PDF

Your Perceptions About Yourself — This worksheet asks clients to think about themselves objectively, based on the facts in their lives rather than on a subjective interpretation of their experiences. This exercise is derived from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Type: PDF (1114)

Accepting Unpleasant Experiences — This worksheet, derived from Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), is designed to help people accept unpleasant internal experiences, and not use them as an excuse to avoid life-affirming situations. Type: PDF (1114)

If the Problem Were A TV Show — This worksheet is a Narrative Therapy technique which can be used to help clients get more perspective on their presenting problem and see that they have the power to change their “life story" Type: PDF (1114)

The Tree of LIfe — This exercise is designed to help clients communicate positive aspects about their lives. The technique is derived from Narrative Therapy. Type: PDF (1114) Type: PDF

Life Goals Worksheet — This worksheet is designed to help individuals identify goals in seven broad areas: Health, Financial, Professional, Relationships, Enjoyment, Personal Growth and Community/Spiritual. Type: PDF (1014)

Getting What You Want From Therapy — This worksheet is designed to help clients identify the goal(s) they have for therapy. The second part of the worksheet can be filled out with the therapist to determine the actions needed to attain this goal. Type: PDF (1014)

Achieving Your Goals One Step At A Time — This worksheet is designed to help individuals break down a main goal into specific achievable steps. Type: PDF (1014)

Learning To Self-Soothe — This worksheet is designed to help individuals learn emotional regulation skills. The worksheet asks people to identify activities they can do to calm their emotions and then rate the success of each technique. (DBT)

Practicing Assertive Communication — This worksheet helps clients to identify a conflict, describe it in nonjudgmental terms, explain how the other person's behavior has affected them, and ask for a specific response. File Type:PDF

How Do You Deal With Conflicts? — This short questionnaire gives clients the opportunity to identify their behaviors and attitudes as assertive, aggressive, passive, or passive-aggressive, and provides some information about conflict strategies. File Type: PDF

Exposure Hierarchy Worksheet — This worksheet will help people create a hierarchy of feared situations according to their SUDS (Subjective Units of Distress Scale) rating. It is intended for use with the Practicing Exposure Therapy Worksheet. PDF

Recording Dysfunctional Thoughts — This form can be used to by clients to record and change dysfunctional thoughts and to see how these thoughts affect their moods. PDF

Solving Problems With Reverse Brainstorming — This form can be used to help clients who are “stuck” in a particular situation and can’t seem to find any appropriate solution to a problem or challenge. It can be used with individuals, but any kind of brainstorming is generally most productive in a group situation.PDF

Scheduling Time For Your Obsessive Thoughts — This form can be used to help clients who have distressing reoccurring thoughts. The technique involves having clients deal with daily intrusive thoughts by “scheduling” them for a specific time, and using the technique of mindfulness to better deal with them. PDF

Happiness Habit Worksheet — This worksheet can be used to help clients keep to a 21-day program of activities which are known to stimulate the biochemical associated with a positive mood. (View & Print)

Acts of Kindness Lead to Happiness — This form can be used to help clients who have mild to moderate depression. The form can also be used for clients who are not clinically depressed but who are seeking a happier and more fulfilling life. (PDF)

Knowing Your Positive Qualities — This worksheet will help clients with depression, anxiety, or self-esteem issues identify their positive qualities. PDF

Controlling your Checking Behavior — This form is designed for people with anxiety disorders to keep track of their checking behaviors for one week. Form Type: PDF

Breaking A Problem or Task Into Small Steps — This worksheet will help people who having a difficult time solving a problem or are procrastinating about a particular task. Form Type: PDF

Recording and Changing Pessimistic Thoughts — This worksheet can be used to help people understand how pessimistic thinking is affecting their mental health. It is designed to record and change faulty thinking in a single day. PDF

Describing Your Panic Attack — This assessment form can be used to obtain information about a persons subjective experience of his/her panic attacks.

Panic Attack Journal — This worksheet can be used for people to keep track of the details of their panic attacks.

Finding People With Common Interests — This worksheet is designed to help people expand their social system by finding people in common interest groups. PDF

Identifying Your Support System — This worksheet is designed to help people identify a support system of individuals they can contact in times of emotional distress. PDF

Controlling Your Moods — This worksheet is designed to help people see that they can influence their moods, positively or negatively, through their activities. Form Type: PDF

Emotions Below The Tip of The Iceberg — This worksheet is designed to help people identify emotions that they hide from others. Form Type: PDF

Anxiety All Or Nothing — This worksheet helps people learn that all or nothing thinking can contribute to problems with anxiety. (Form Type: PDF)

Unhelpful Ways to Cope with Panic Attacks — This worksheet is intended to help people identify things they are doing that actually prolong their problems with panic attacks. PDF

Symptoms of Social Anxiety — This worksheet is intended to help people identify the symptoms and feeling associated with social anxiety.PDF

Symptoms & Side Effects of Anti-Depressants — This worksheet is designed to help people record the symptoms and side-effects of anti-depressant medication. PDF

Practicing Mindfulness — This worksheet is designed to help people become familiar with the technique of mindfulness. PDF

Overcoming Insomnia — This worksheet is designed to help people overcome insomnia and get more sleep. PDF

Getting Motivated — This worksheet is designed to help people motivate themselves to accomplish a task or address a problem. PDF

Anxiety Triggers — This worksheet is designed to help identify the things that trigger their anxiety. (Form Type: PDF)

Learn About Feelings — Use this worksheet to help kids and teens talk about basic feelings.Form Type: PDF

Understanding Your Anxiety — This worksheet helps people talk about their anxiety symptoms. PDF

Starting A Conversation — This worksheet teaches how to start a conversation by asking appropriate questions. PDF

Confronting Problems With Creative Thinking — This worksheet is designed to help people see alternatives to patterns of negative thinking. Form Type: PDF

Recording Automatic Thoughts — This worksheet can be used to record dysfunctional automatic thoughts and rational responses. (View & Print)

When Do You Worry — This worksheet will help people rate their worries at four times during the day (morning, afternoon, evening, and bedtime).Form Type:PDF

Being Mindful of Your Anxiety — This worksheet introduces the practice of Mindful Meditation as a technique to deal with anxiety. (Form Type: PDF)

Things That Cause You Stress — This worksheet is designed to help people identify things that cause stress and how these can be changed. PDF

Changing Negative Thinking — This worksheet can be used to help older children and teens change dysfunctional negative thoughts to more positive ones. Form Type: PDF

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